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A Simple Breakdown of Patio Renovation and Construction Costs


How Much Does A Patio Reno or Construction Cost?

Patio renovation costs can vary between $10,000 to over $50,000

This is a very wide range, due to all the different options available to you.

Size, materials, and site access can play a huge role in your exact costs.

So what kind of patio can you get for $10,000 – $50,000   ?

Well for the basics you are going to get a patio that has a solid foundation under it.

You will get site protection so none of your existing landscape or concrete is damaged from machines, and you will get a customized patio layout that fits your space.

You can choose the pavers, the joint sand color, and even the flowers that should outline the perimeter.

Simply put, once you determine your budget you will get the patio you envision.

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Planning Your Project? Get the Cost Insights You Need

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